Sunday, November 17, 2013

Dinosaurs? And DRAGONS? Are you crazy?

I'm about to blow your mind with a single question. Is it possible that dragons are actually a type of dinosaur?

I'll give you a minute to think about it. Personally, I believe it is a possibility. Let's start off with the facts.

What exactly are dinosaurs?

-first reptiles to live on earth (that we know of)
-plenty of dinosaurs that haven't been discovered yet
-lived 150 million years ago (is that a lot? yes it is)

Let's compare that to dragons.

-many different types of dragons
-have been around throughout history

As you can see they are pretty similar. I bet you're thinking, "different types of dragons? I don't get it!". Different cultures have different 'views' on dragons- the most popular being the 4 legged winged one of the Western world and the 2 legged one of the Eastern world.



As you can see just from these two, the differences are vast. The same can be said about dinosaurs.

Just think of a Stegosaurus

compared to a Pterodactyl

In these ways, it's obvious to see how the two are similar.

Going to this website, the author (unknown) has compiled a huge list of pictures/depictions of various mythological creatures (including dragons) and dinosaurs throughout the years. Most of them are from the pre-1800's. This goes to show that these beliefs have been around for a long time.

One example is from 1829 by the artist George Howman. The picture is as follows:

The picture is loosely based off of a pterodactyl portrayed as a dragon. As you can see, even artists had an interpretation that dragons and dinosaurs were similar/of the same.

Another example that shows the similarities is from the year 1837 by artist William Buckland.

It's stated that these creatures "look a bit like dragons".

Moving on...

It's said that dragons are said to be "based off of dinosaurs". What's to say, because of that, they WERE dinosaurs? Quoted from Ken Ham,
"Globally, there are many ancient descriptions and images of dragons. Interestingly, many of these descriptions and images are similar to drawings and depictions of how scientists believe dinosaurs would have looked."

Are they the same? Let's let you decide. Why or why not? There's no way to know for sure since we don't know for sure what dragons looked like... nor do we know for sure what dinosaurs truly look like. But if we look at the drawings people have of both, it's clear to see that they are similar.

Some links if you'd like to read more about these topics (links in order):

What are dinosaurs:

More about dragons:

Pictures and descriptions of different depictions of dragons and dinosaurs:

Comparing the two:

As always, comments and questions are welcome!!!

Thanks for reading!!!

Noelle B.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

What are you getting yourself into?

Hello and welcome to my blog! This blog is created for my English 215 mythology class, but is intended for anyone interested in my strange views on my interpretation of 'myths'.

Since long ago there have been creatures and unknown/unseen things that cannot be explained or proven today. Examples of these range from vampires to aliens- it's a known fact that humans love the unknown and long for it. We create things such as Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster- things that exist yet don't exist at the same time. We create paranormal events that may or may not actually happen such as haunted places and ghosts. And above all, sometimes we don't believe things even though the evidence is right in front of our faces.

I'm talking about dinosaurs. 

Some people don't believe in them even though we have fossils. As like with the evidence for Bigfoot and Nessy, some people just think of fossils as "soft evidence" that dinosaurs "might have" existed.

Even though it's right in front of us, sometimes it's unbelievable to imagine something so big when we're small. We don't know what dinosaurs looked like aside from the fossils they have- all we have is a vague image of what they might have looked like. For all we know Stegosauruses could've been feathered!

Not only will this blog be focusing on dinosaurs, but it will be focusing on the theory that dragons could possibly be dinosaurs and why this can or cannot be true.

Please feel free to add any questions or comments!

-Noelle Bruce